Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Content Blog 1: Copyright Laws

Copyright laws is an important topic for anyone to know about. Especially with the freedom of the internet, it can get a bit confusing and understated as to what's okay and what's not in terms of legal rights. In class, we learned the basic laws of copyrighting, and also how they apply in an educational setting [which I thought was very interesting]. The presentations and websites went over how something becomes copyrighted, for how long, and the different kinds of copyrighting there are.  The lesson also went over 'Creative Commons' and its different options for allowing content to be protected and used.

I feel that copyright laws apply to even everyday life, since watching copies of copyrighted Youtube videos and pirating music and movies is extremely common.  Everyone should at least be aware of basic laws and rules.  Specifically for psychology, especially in research, knowing how to quote a source is very important.  The majority of the actual content of the papers written are paraphrasing or direct quotes from other published works, and it's a must to cite the source and give credit.  So knowing how to and when to give credit for copyrighted works is an important tool in psychology.

Quick Copyright Review
source:  www.efuse.com

This link is a good webpage to refer to about the general laws of copyright.  It may be useful when writing a paper, or even posting questionable content on the net.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009